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Character Cookies:

A character cookie encourages students and staff to show the character education traits.  Students hear a "character cookie" during the morning announcements. Examples of character cookies are:

Care for School Property

Smile and Say Hello

Say Please and Thank You

Stay Seated on the Bus

Wait Your Turn in Line

Show Good Behavior

Help Others

Walk in the Hallway

Follow Directions

Play by the Rules


Auto-B-Good Character Education:

"Auto B Good is the Emmy Award winning animated series that teaches great lessons in character development to children ages 4--10."


ASCA American School Counselor Association Position Statement on Character Education:

Character Education

Let's Celebrate Character Education!

Throughout the school year at George G. Blaisdell Elementary School, the Character Education Program will encourage

First Grade students to show character education traits based on a car theme.  Some of the character education traits are

listed below.  Throughout the school year, the School Counselor will facilitate First Grade counseling lessons based on the Auto-B-Good character education program. 

Character Education Words Defined:      

Courage means be brave and do not be afraid of trying new things

Honesty means always tell the truth and say what really happened

Sportsmanship means play fairly and help each other during games

Kindness means always be friendly, gentle, and generous to a good deed for someone today

Respect means follow the Golden Rule: treat others as you want to be treated

Fairness means play by the rules, take turns, share, and listen to others

Citizenship means in all ways do your share to make your school and community better, respect authority, and protect the environment

Responsibility means always do your best, think before you act, consider the consequences, and be accountable for your choices

Perseverance means keep trying even if you were not successful the first time

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