School Counselor Connection
Chapter 339 School Counseling Plan
​What do School Counselors do? video clip
Chapter 339.31 of the Pennsylvania School Code mandates all school districts to have a comprehensive Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12 school counseling plan…
“There shall be a written plan on file, approved by the local board of school directors, for the development and implementation of a comprehensive, sequential program of guidance services for Kindergarten through 12th grade. The plan must include procedures to provide for guidance services to AVTS’s (Area Vocational Technical School). Upon request, the plan shall be submitted to the Pennsylvania Secretary of Education.” (PA Chapter 339.31)
The PA Code of Chapter 12.41 Student Services mandates a comprehensive program of student services…
“Each school entity shall prepare a written plan for the implementation of a comprehensive and integrated K—12 program of the student services based on the needs of its students…A school district that operates a Pre-Kindergarten program shall address its Pre-Kindergarten program in its strategic plan.
School Counselors can impact the future success of all students.
A school counseling program can have tremendous impact on the success or failure of students in the workplace of the future. Success in the future economy will not only require a solid education but will require highly specialized skills, interpersonal skills, and technology skills. A strong school counseling program can be a vital part of preparing students for the ever-changing world.
Success in the New Economy (9 minute video)