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Behavior Strategies

*Please click on a link below to find resource information*

Basic Tips Child Care Providers Can Use to Guide Children's Behavior  

Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning

Behavior Management Strategies for Kids with Poor Impulse Control

Free Behavior Charts

More Free Behavior Charts

Managing Problem Behavior at Home

11 Easy Desk Arrangements for Your Classroom

Free Reward Coupons for Positive Behavior

Create an Organized Library Shelf


Parent Resource—Play Nicely Online Program: PLAY NICELY is a free, online violence prevention program for parents, child care providers, and health care providers.  The program teaches the basics in how to manage hurtful behavior in young children. PLAY NICELY teaches you appropriate ways to respond the next time you see your child hurt another child or person. Developed by a pediatrician, PLAY NICELY presents common parent-child conflict scenarios and then allows users to choose the best response from a set of options, including physical punishment (spanking), non-violent forms of punishment (time out, taking away a privilege, saying no), and positive guidance (redirecting the child, praise).  Parents are given feedback about which are “great options” and which fall into a “there are better options” category.  PLAY NICELY is found at:


Strategies Used By School Staff and Teachers:                                                                  

Individual Student Behavior Management Plan (student goal, sticker chart/award system)  

Classroom Behavior Management System - Clip Up--Clip Down Chart                          

Picture Schedule (Pecs)                                                                                                       

Sign Language / Signs to Communicate                                                                        

Nonverbal Prompts or Signals                                                                                         

Helper Jobs (Paper Passer, Lunch Helper, Morning Hallway Greeter, Library Drop-off Books Helper, Paper Delivery Helper, Line Leader, Caboose Leader, etc.)                            

Positive Verbal Praise                                                                                               

Communication Log between Teacher and Parent/Guardian                                       

Planned Ignoring                                                                                                        

Repetitive Redirection to Stay on Task                                                                           

Paired Peer Helpers for Activities                                                                                     

Timer to Complete Tasks                                                                                                    

Pencil Grips                                                                                                                         

Oral Chew Objects                                                                                                      

Weighted Animal or Object for Student to Hold                                                                

Bumpy Circular Seat Cushion                                                                                  

Preferential Placement in Class Line (Front / Back of Line)                                    

Preferential Seating at Desk or Carpet Area                                                                      

Hold Teacher's Hand for Transitions                                                                                  

Teacher and Student One-on-One Assistance                                                                 

Small Group Work                                                                                                

Chunk Work into Smaller Parts to Complete Assignments                                                 

Verbal Prep for Next Task or Activity                                                                               

Number Count Down for Next Activity                                                                                 

One Step / Two Step Directions                                                                                         

Prize Box / Treasure Chest with Incentives                                                                       

Sticker Incentives                                                                                                            

Certificate Award           


Extra Computer Time or Ipod Time                                                                                   

Extra Playground Time                                                                                                      

Extra Reading Time                                                                                                           

Short Breaks or Walks

1-2-3 Count

Count Down to Task

Academic Interventions:                                                                                    

Peer Tutoring                                                                                                                   

Reading Buddies                                                                                                                 

Chunking Reading                                                                                               

Formula Sheets—Word Bank                                                                                            

Taking Notes with Fill-in-the-Blanks                                                                         

Preferential Seating

Flash Cards                                                                                                                        

Study Guides                                                                                                                     

Extra Computer Time                                                                                                        

Extra Review Time                                                                                                           

Progress Monitoring                                                                                                          

Class Chart with Stickers                                                                                                  

CHOICES…by Student Strengths                                                                                     

Pencil Grips                                                                                                                       


Alternative Seating 

Soft Pad Chair

Ball Chair                                                                                                                      

Modified Vocabulary or Spelling List                                                                                          


Small Group Centers

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