School Counselor Connection
Act 71 and Erin's Law
As a School Counselor, I implement large group counseling lessons on safe, unsafe, and confusing touches for Kindergarten, First, and Second Grades with a research-based program every school year because of the following acts/laws:
Act 71 Child Exploitation Awareness Education:
Beginning with the 2015—16 school year, each school entity may develop an age-appropriate child exploitation awareness education program and incorporate such program into the school entity’s existing curriculum for students in kindergarten through grade eight.
Erin’s Law:
Requires that all public schools in each state implement a prevention-oriented child sexual abuse program which teaches:
1) Students in grades K-12th grade, age-appropriate techniques to recognize child sexual abuse and tell a trusted adult.
2) School personnel learn all about child sexual abuse.
3) Parents and guardians are aware of the warning signs of child sexual abuse, plus needed assistance, referral or resource information to support sexually abused children and their families.
*Web address to learn more about Erin's Law: